I know that most people have mobile phones these days but there are some of us that still have a landline telephone. So this note is for those people who need to know some changes are coming…
In the news recently there has been a lot of talk about National Insurance (NI). This is because there is a “special offer” on at the moment by the Government to help people pay full NI and qualify for a full state pension.
Given the current cost-of-living crisis we are in, I have been looking at different ways I can reduce my personal outgoings.
Today we are going to discuss voting. I know what you’re probably thinking in between yawns and working out what to watch next on TikTok; why would I care about that?
So about that voting; I can’t do that. I’m not registered and the election has already been called so I can just sit in a darkened room with my fingers in my ears right?
...A floss-iraptor!
Now I have your attention with my punny title, let’s drill (…) down to the basics of how to clean your teeth properly! ‘But I know how to brush my teeth?’ I hear you cry!
Nowadays, we need passwords for lots of things, like shopping online or using apps. It’s important to use strong, unique passwords – which haven’t been used by anyone else – to protect our personal information and money.