Our Health and Safety Policy Statement
Transform is committed to providing safe homes and safe working environments for everyone affected by our activities.
We accept our legal and moral obligations and strive to follow relevant legislation, approved codes of practice and other HSE (Health and Safety Executive) guidance. Continuous improvement is embedded in our approach to health and safety management.

Transform’s Board has set out the following objectives that reflect the minimum controls that must be kept for us to continue to promote safe working practices and provide safe working and living environments:
- Ensure risk assessments, safety checks and audits are carried out.
- Ensure building safety compliance is fully met.
- Ensure staff are provided with the resources, information, instruction, and training so they have the confidence and capability to deal effectively with health and safety issues.
- Ensure reports for monitoring safety performance are prepared and shared with the organisation.
- Ensure fire risk controls are fully met.
- Ensure adequate controls are in place to reduce the risk of accidents, incidents and near misses.
- Ensure suitable procedures are in place to report, record and review accidents, incidents and near misses.
A full copy of the Health and Safety policy is available here.
Good Health & Safety practice will be delivered by the use of effective management plans.
Our Health & Safety Policy is in conjunction with the following management plans, these are designed to supplement and support this policy detailing how, in practice, the aims of this policy will be carried out. Management plans are created to address Health & Safety where specific areas of legislation exist.
- Asbestos safety management plan
- Electrical safety management plan
- Fire safety management plan
- Gas safety management plan
- Legionella management plan
- Damp & Mould Management plan
- Lifts management plan
A copy our Management plans are available upon request. If you wish to receive a copy of any of these documents, please send an email request stating which of the documents you would like to receive.
Health and safety contact details
Transform Health & Safety Lead: Steven Dicks
Address: Bradmere House, Brook Way, Leatherhead, KT22 7NA
Phone Number: 01372 387112
Email address: healthandsafety@transformhousing.org.uk
Measuring how we keep you safe
Quarterly health and safety key performance indicators (KPIs)
We publish our landlord health and safety performance our performance page. Please click here to see our latest performance under the repairs and maintenance section.