Useful links

Useful links

Here are some useful websites from other organisations and agencies that may also be able to help you


Stay safe online

Be careful when looking for advice online. Make sure you trust the organisation giving the information.

For information about staying safe online visit the Get safe online website.

Advice and support

Age UK
National charity providing advice and support for older people.

Alzheimer's Society
Advice and support for people living with dementia.

A Guildford-based charity that helps with drug and alcohol problems.

Citizens Advice Bureau
Free, confidential, independent advice on issues such as debt, benefits, employment and housing.
Information and advice about alcohol.

Information and advice about drugs for young people.

National charity that gives information and advice about mental health issues.

Confidential emotional support 24 hours a day.

National disability charity giving advice on a wide range of issues.

National housing and homelessness charity that gives advice on housing issues.

The Mix
Free advice for under 25s – from education and work, to drink and drugs, relationships and health.

Money matters

Benefits and Work
Advice on understanding the benefits system.

Money Advice Service
Free and impartial money advice, set up by the government.

Money Saving Expert
Advice on how to save money and find the best deals.

National Debtline
Free online debt advice and helpline

StepChange Debt Charity
Charity offering professional, unbiased and free debt advice. 

Surrey Reuse Network
Good quality second hand furniture at affordable prices.

Turn 2us
Advice on accessing grants and benefits.

Social and community

Search volunteering opportunities and apply online.

Meet people in your area with similar interests.

Local councils

The website for your local council will have information about local services, including waste and recycling, housing and housing benefit, schools and colleges, training and volunteering.

Government websites

This is the main UK government website, with information on everything from benefits and job seeking to health and education. Here are links to some useful sections:

NHS Choices
Information about all aspects of health from the NHS. The main sections are:

  • Health A-Z – A to Z list of common health conditions
  • Live well – advice on healthy living
  • Find services – find an NHS service, including doctors, dentists and hospitals

Charity Commission
Independent regulator for charities in England and Wales.

Regulator of Social Housing
Independent regulator for housing providers in England

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Useful links